![Rayo De Luz Significado Espiritual [ Y Simbolismo ] Rayo De Luz Significado Espiritual [ Y Simbolismo ]](https://es.ame-jumelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/437_hq720.webp)
El rayo de luz es un símbolo espiritual que representa la energía divina que nos conecta con el universo. Representa la luz que nos guía hacia la verdad, la sabiduría y la iluminación espiritual. Es una metáfora para la luz interior que nos ayuda a encontrar nuestra verdadera naturaleza y nos da la fuerza para seguir adelante. El rayo de luz es una invitación a abrir nuestros corazones y mentes para que podamos experimentar la verdadera conexión con el universo.
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¿Cuál es el significado del rayo de luz?
Entonces, ¿qué es un rayo?
En su esencia absoluta, la luz nos permite ver lo que nos rodea. Cuando no hay luz, no podemos ver. Estamos en la oscuridad. Cuando tenemos una fuente de luz, somos capaces de conocer nuestro entorno. Así entendemos la luz de una manera concreta.
Pero, ¿qué pasa con el rayo de luz espiritual? ¿El rayo de luz asociado con los grandes místicos y sabios? Este tipo de luz sirve para iluminar y enseñar. Guía y navega.
Deborah King, autora del programa Be A Modern Master de Minvalley, lo explica de esta manera:
Podemos usar estos rayos espirituales para transmutar y evolucionar nuestra conciencia.
¿Qué son los rayos de Dios?
Losrayos de Dios, o rayos de ángeles, son los rayos de luz tangibles que a veces vemos a través de una abertura en las nubes.
Se dice que estos rayos angelicales en realidad representan la luz de los siete, o siete rayos.
Cada rayo de luz representa un maestro ascendido diferente. Al enfocarte en un rayo de luz diferente, puedes desarrollar diferentes habilidades físicas, mentales y espirituales.
Deborah King explica los siete rayos de esta manera:
Cada rayo de luz tiene una historia que contar y una lección que aprender. Pero, ¿dónde aparecieron por primera vez estos rayos de luz en nuestra historia colectiva?
¿Qué era el rayo de luz védico?
Entonces, ¿dónde comenzó la fascinación por los rayos de luz? Bueno, para responder a esa pregunta, debemos retroceder varios miles de años hasta el antiguo texto védico, los .
Los Upanishads son una colección de cánticos, mantras e historias de los antiguos gurús védicos de la India. Contienen poderosas lecciones de vida que siguen resonando en el público moderno de hoy.
En los Upanishads, encontramos la primera mención del el sagrado rayo de luz.
es una deidad védica a menudo representada como un ser con siete manos, dos cabezas y tres piernas. Se dice que sus dos cabezas representan las cualidades dualistas de destrucción y benevolencia. Agni está rodeado por siete rayos de luz que emanan de su cuerpo.
¿Los siete rayos que menciona están conectados con los siete rayos que vemos rodeando a Agni? No puede ser solo una coincidencia, ¿verdad?
¿Qué significan estos rayos de dioses antiguos hoy?
No solo vemos a Agni representando los siete rayos de luz. Muchas deidades han sido representadas de esta manera, incluido el dios griego Zeus, la deidad egipcia, Chnuphis, la paloma del Espíritu Santo y María, la madre de Jesús.
Entonces, ¿qué significa todo esto?
No es coincidencia que veamos estos antiguos siete rayos de luz representados en diferentes sistemas espirituales a lo largo de los siglos.
La luz ilumina el camino. Estos grandes maestros y amados sabios ayudaron a guiar nuestro camino. Están representados con estos rayos de luz, tanto físicos como espirituales porque son nuestros guías. Quieren mostrarnos el camino.
Todas y cada una de las personas están experimentando un rayo en este momento. Estos siete rayos están diseñados para ayudarnos a ascender a planos espirituales superiores, al igual que los maestros ascendidos.
No debería sorprender que veamos estos mismos siete rayos asociados con poderosas figuras espirituales, como Agni, Zeus y el Espíritu Santo. Los siete rayos representados con estas figuras son los mismos siete rayos que podemos usar hoy para ayudar a guiar nuestro progreso espiritual.
«Comprender los Siete Rayos te da la capacidad de ver a las personas tal como son… Al ver a las personas desde diferentes aspectos, desde diferentes facetas, tu comprensión se profundiza».
– Maestro Choa Kok Sui
One of the ways to help us understand our strengths as well as weaknesses and realize our character to an extent is to get equipped with the knowledge of the seven rays. According to , the knowledge of the seven rays can enable all the true servers to work with greater skill and effectiveness in their chosen field of activity.
Every person belongs to a certain ray that decides his/her attitude, perspective towards life and therefore his/her actions in life. One of the factors that causes misunderstandings and arguments among people is lack of such knowledge.
Different people get different interpretations about the same issue, all of which might be correct simultaneously. The reason behind such diverse conclusions is looking at the subject matter from different perspectives and the knowledge of the seven rays can solve such miscommunications, as it will broaden our understanding about people.
In this series the aim is to discuss about different rays in detail and describe the , vices and qualities relayed to each ray. May this knowledge help us understand the people around us and enable us to work in harmony and peace.
¿Qué son los Siete Rayos?
Para explorar este amplio tema que han discutido muchos grandes pensadores y maestros espirituales, incluidos Alice Bailey, Madam Blavatsky, Ernest Wood y , primero debemos comprender qué son los Siete Rayos. Para ello hay una serie de puntos a tener en cuenta:
- There is only one Life and the seven basic qualities or aspects are originated from it through the diversity of forms.
- These seven qualities are called the Seven Rays and are in fact the seven lives that give life to the forms, the laws and their urge for evolution.
- Life, and Body, constitute all that exists, with a capacity for growth, activity, manifestation of beauty and full conformity of the Plan. This Plan is rooted in the consciousness of the Seven Rays Lives.
- These Seven Rays whose nature is expression of qualities produce cyclically the manifested world. They work together in the closest union and harmony and cooperate intelligently with the Plan, under the guidance of the Great Architect of the Universe.
- Each Ray predominantly expresses itself through one of the seven sacred planets; but the life of all the seven, flows through every planet, including the Earth and therefore affects every form. Each planet is a small replica of the general scheme and following the purpose of the whole.
- Humanity is an expression of the life of and every human being has come forth along one line or other of the seven ray forces. Each human being’s form, qualities and character is affected by the ray that breathed him forth in every world period; the form and nature change from life to life according to the cyclic need and the environing group condition, which is decided by the ray or rays in incarnation at the time.
- The Monad is the Life, living in union with the seven ray lives. The structure of the manifested world is composed of one Monad, seven rays and myriads of forms.
- The Laws, which govern the quality or , though the medium of forms, are simply the mental purpose and life direction of the Lords of the Rays, whose vision is perfect and whose justice is supreme.
- The method of the development of humanity is self-expression and self-realization. When the self that is expressed is the One Self and the realization is the revelation of God as the quality and life behind the manifested world, this process is fulfilled.
- The method to bring this realization is experience, beginning with individualization and ending with initiation.
Siete rayos y sus cualidades
As discussed, a Ray is referred to a particular force or type of , with a certain quality that it exhibits. So when we discuss about certain ray energy, basically we are considering that quality and the purpose aspect of the great Life who is known as the «Lord of the Ray». His divine intention, will and purpose create a radiation or stream of energy that affects all forms of manifested life within our planetary ring-pass-not.
«Different aspects of Truth can be seen through the Seven Rays. Each Ray sees things differently and has its own way of doing things. Each Ray has a different opinion.»
Alice Bailey
- Strength – I will be strong, brave persevering in His service.()
- Wisdom – I will attain the intuitional wisdom, which can be developed only through perfect love.()
- Adaptability or Tact – I will gain the power of saying and doing just the right thing at the right time moment of meeting each man on his own ground, in order to help him more efficiently.()
- Beauty and Harmony – So far as I can, I will bring beauty and harmony into my life and surroundings, that I may be more worthy of Him; I will learn to see beauty in all nature, that so I may serve Him better.()
- Science (detailed knowledge) – I will gain knowledge and accuracy, that I may devote them to His work.()
- Devotion – I will unfold within myself the mighty power of devotion, that through it I may bring others to Him.()
- Ordered Service (ceremonial magic) – I will so order and arrange my service of God along the lines which He has prescribed that I may be able fully to take advantage of the loving help which His Holy Angels are always waiting to render.()
Ray | Colour | Quality | Chakra | Day | Jewel | |
Power of God | Blue Cyan | Strength , Balance , will | Sunday | Diamond , Sapphire , Star Sapphire , Lapis Lazuli | ||
Wisdom of God | Yellow , Gold | Wisdom , Understanding , Illumination | Monday | Yellow Diamond , Yellow , Sapphire , Topaz | ||
Love of God | Pink , Rose | Goodness , Compromise , Beauty | Tuesday | Ruby , Diamond , Garnet , Rose Quartz | ||
Peace of God | White , Crystal | Purity , Resurrection , Joy | Wednesday | Diamond , Pearl , Zircon , Quartz Crystal | ||
Truth of God | Green , Gold | Health , Consecration , Focus | Thursday | Emerald , Diamond , Jade , Quartz Crystal | ||
Abundance of God | Orange , Golden Ruby | Ministry , Provision , Brotherhood | Friday | Ruby , Topaz , Alexandrite , Diamond with pearl | ||
Justice of God | Purple , Silver | Freedom , Provision , Compassion | Saturday | Amethyst , Diamond , Aquamarine |
Siete Rayos y Los Maestros
The Lords of the Rays are in fact the creating and sustaining energies that implement the Will of the planetary Logos. They cooperate with Him in the defining and expression of His supreme purpose. They create the needed new forms, vitalize and qualify that through which the immediate divine intention is expressing itself; and they cause the fading out or dying of the form aspects. In this way they produce cycles of destruction and thus make room for the new forms and expressions of life.
La Luz Central, a la que llamamos Deidad, el único Rayo de la Divinidad, se manifiesta primero como una Trinidad y luego como un Septenario. El Dios Único resplandece como Dios Padre, Dios Hijo y Dios Espíritu Santo y estos tres nuevamente se reflejan a través de los Siete Logos Planetarios.
«One Life sought expansion»» resulting in seven aeons, or emanations, manifesting in the expression of life, becoming the «seven Rishis of all the ancient scriptures.»
Alice Bailey
Ray |
Master |
, Master Christ and | |
- . By Master Choa Kok Sui
- Bailey, A. A. (1995). The Seven Rays of Life. Lucis Publishing Companies.
- Bailey, A. A. (1971). Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the Seven Rays (Vol. Vol. 1). Lucis Publishing Company.
- Bailey, A. A. (1973). A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Lucis Publishing Company.
¿Qué son los Siete Rayos?
Para explorar este amplio tema que han discutido muchos grandes pensadores y maestros espirituales, incluidos Alice Bailey, Madam Blavatsky, Ernest Wood y , primero debemos comprender qué son los Siete Rayos. Para ello hay una serie de puntos a tener en cuenta:
Siete rayos y sus cualidades
As discussed, a Ray is referred to a particular force or type of , with a certain quality that it exhibits. So when we discuss about certain ray energy, basically we are considering that quality and the purpose aspect of the great Life who is known as the «Lord of the Ray». His divine intention, will and purpose create a radiation or stream of energy that affects all forms of manifested life within our planetary ring-pass-not.
«Different aspects of Truth can be seen through the Seven Rays. Each Ray sees things differently and has its own way of doing things. Each Ray has a different opinion.»
Alice Bailey
Siete Rayos y Los Maestros
The Lords of the Rays are in fact the creating and sustaining energies that implement the Will of the planetary Logos. They cooperate with Him in the defining and expression of His supreme purpose. They create the needed new forms, vitalize and qualify that through which the immediate divine intention is expressing itself; and they cause the fading out or dying of the form aspects. In this way they produce cycles of destruction and thus make room for the new forms and expressions of life.
La Luz Central, a la que llamamos Deidad, el único Rayo de la Divinidad, se manifiesta primero como una Trinidad y luego como un Septenario. El Dios Único resplandece como Dios Padre, Dios Hijo y Dios Espíritu Santo y estos tres nuevamente se reflejan a través de los Siete Logos Planetarios.
«One Life sought expansion»» resulting in seven aeons, or emanations, manifesting in the expression of life, becoming the «seven Rishis of all the ancient scriptures.»
Alice Bailey
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El final del curso ofrece contenido que se puede poner en práctica de inmediato, y la impresión es que los capacitadores son un gran apoyo en el camino del desarrollo espiritual. Hay una relación de causa-efecto. Es muy agradable que todos los pasos que completan el propósito del desarrollo parezcan estar presentes y que se elimine la necesidad de otra enseñanza. Espero que este viaje sea beneficioso para mí y para todos.
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