Oasis Significado Espiritual [ Y Simbolismo ]

Oasis Significado Espiritual [ Y Simbolismo ]

Oasis espirituales son aquellos lugares que ofrecen un refugio de la vida cotidiana, un lugar donde el alma puede encontrar la paz y la tranquilidad. Estos lugares son una bendición para aquellos que buscan una conexión con algo más grande que ellos mismos, una conexión que ofrece la oportunidad de abrazar la vida con una perspectiva más amplia. Estos oasis espirituales ofrecen una oportunidad única para explorar el significado de la vida y la espiritualidad, un lugar donde uno puede conectarse con su alma, su verdadero yo, y encontrar un sentido de propósito.

Significado de soñar con oasis

Soñar con un oasis representa la fuerza o energía necesaria para afrontar positivamente las complicaciones en el ámbito familiar o profesional y por tanto la oportunidad de sacar adelante un proyecto o emprendimiento. Los oasis dentro de los desiertos no son muy abundantes, encontrar abundante agua o vegetación dentro del desierto es verdadera suerte.

Como en todos los casos, recordar la letra pequeña del sueño especifica la interpretación. ¿Estabas desesperado caminando por el desierto tratando de encontrar un área para descansar? ¿Estabas dentro del oasis disfrutando de sus bondades? ¿Ves el oasis después de un viaje prolongado? Estos detalles te permitirán descifrar tu sueño con un oasis de una forma mucho más precisa.

Soñar que aparece un oasis implica que le gustaría un cambio en su vida ya que se encuentra en un estado de angustia o preocupación. Representa la búsqueda de algo o alguien difícil de realizar, este objetivo representa ciertas dificultades que se verán reflejadas durante el sueño.

soñar con oasis

Soñar con un oasis en el extranjero se interpreta como que pronto llegará la respuesta a una situación particular o profesional. Si nos mudamos lejos del oasis, significa un cambio vital durante una situación laboral o familiar en la que vamos a tener que invertir nuestros recursos por la ausencia de ingresos recientes. Este sueño puede tener una relación específica con el entorno económico o familiar, por esta razón, es común poseer este tipo de sueño si te encuentras en una situación muy de cambios o transiciones en tu vida actual.

Presta atención a todas o algunas de las letras pequeñas que aparecen y también al contexto en el que se desarrolla el sueño, si has visto peces en el agua del oasis, la interpretación y el significado del sueño pueden cambiar.  puede interpretarse como una nueva etapa en tu vida de tranquilidad y calma.

Significado de soñar con tratar de encontrar un oasis

Soñar con buscar un oasis representa la exigencia de un espacio para descansar y pensar; un lugar para reflexionar. Significa que tiene que tomar decisiones importantes y le gustaría tener tiempo para considerar la elección. Si el oasis tiene agua clara y vegetación, obtendrás pistas favorables para lo que elijas.

Soñando que usted apenas está dentro de un oasis, estamos alertas a nuestras fortalezas y debilidades, y se presentarán oportunidades donde serán aplicadas con resultados favorables.

Como podrás ver, soñar con un oasis siempre positivo de una u otra manera también como soñar con una playa, pues sería cumplir con una en medio del desierto, podrás comprobar el significado de soñar con el desierto o el significado de soñar con agua limpia y Bebiendo en el centro del desierto, hasta te va a resultar interesante soñar con palmeras y conocer su interpretación. surjan o no cambios y problemas, tendrás la determinación y el coraje para enfrentarlos de una manera sumamente positiva.

por Morris Ruddick el 4 de junio de 2012

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Designe tiempo de «oasis» durante todo el día y durante toda la semana

Mañanas: Cuando te despiertes por la mañana, mientras todavía estás acostado en la cama, piensa por un momento: ¿Qué significa estar despierto y vivo? Comience cada día con una oración; agradece a tu Poder Superior por el nuevo día. Reconoce tu yo interior. Piense en lo que le gustaría lograr que haría de hoy un día significativo. Si te entrenas para hacer esto todas las mañanas, comenzarás a ver tu vida con un enfoque nuevo y más nítido.

Noche: finaliza el día tal como lo empiezas. Mientras se prepara para dormir, revise el día y cómo utilizó sus oportunidades. Reconoce que has sido puesto aquí con un propósito y que todas tus actividades deben expresar ese propósito. Vete a dormir con la determinación de que no importa cuán bueno o difícil haya sido hoy, mañana será mejor. Al hacerlo, su sueño será más tranquilo y su despertar más significativo.

Semanal o diario: Tómese un tiempo cada día, cada semana o los fines de semana (designe cualquier momento que funcione) para reunir a su familia y estudiar, leer un pensamiento espiritual juntos u orar juntos.

Crea un espacio físico tipo oasis

Rodéate de palabras sagradas, aíslate de valores e ideas espirituales. La próxima vez que esté sentado en su sala de estar o compartiendo una comida con su familia, pregúntese: ¿Realmente me siento como en casa? ¿Los huéspedes se sienten bienvenidos aquí? Las siguientes son algunas sugerencias para mejorar su espacio físico para que pueda responder «sí» a las preguntas anteriores:

Manténgase alejada de las influencias negativas: una casa hermosa también debe estar libre de influencias que puedan contaminar su salubridad y gracia espiritual. Un gran desafío que tenemos hoy es con la tecnología. No podemos permitir que un flujo constante de video, televisión y todo tipo de medios gobiernen el hogar y controlen las mentes y los corazones de nuestros jóvenes. La gente de hoy reconoce los efectos dañinos que la sobreexposición al efecto hipnótico de la televisión tiene en los niños impresionables y, en realidad, en los adolescentes y adultos.

Un espacio para reunirse: el oasis espiritual es la base para el sentido de propósito compartido de la familia y proporciona un trampolín para que cada miembro persiga sus propias metas. Programe tiempo de calidad para las reuniones familiares. Esfuércese por tener un hogar donde su familia se quede despierta hasta tarde hablando sinceramente sobre lo que tienen en mente. Los niños se amontonan alrededor de los abuelos para escuchar historias. Los adolescentes debaten temas significativos entre ellos y con sus padres. Toda la familia se reúne, y no solo en días festivos, para noches de canciones, juegos y recuerdos. Una acogedora sala de estar, una gran mesa de cocina: cree espacios propicios para una conversación significativa.

Caridad: Coloque cajas de caridad en varias habitaciones de su casa. ¿Por qué? La caridad nos recuerda que no nos dejemos consumir por el interés propio. Cuanto más te enfocas en actos de bondad y amabilidad, más poderoso es tu oasis. Esto es especialmente cierto para la caridad monetaria, que es la forma más poderosa de elevar tu alma, porque significa dar una parte de todo lo que eres: tus habilidades, tus esfuerzos, tus ambiciones, tu compasión. Las cajas de caridad elevan un hogar «normal» de lo mundano a lo trascendente. Convierten lo ordinario en extraordinario.

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An oasis is found in the midst of
a dry, dull, dreary, dead and desert land. In a barren land, it is a place where
water is found. It is a place of green grass and fruitful trees. It is a fertile
area, a place of life. To the desert traveler the oasis is a place of welcome
RELIEF. It is a marvelous thing to come upon an oasis. It is there that one


An oasis is found in the midst of
a dry, dull, dreary, dead and desert land. In a barren land, it is a place where
water is found. It is a place of green grass and fruitful trees. It is a fertile
area, a place of life. To the desert traveler the oasis is a place of welcome
RELIEF. It is a marvelous thing to come upon an oasis. It is there that one

We live in a world that is very barren. It is very dry and
dead (lacking God’s life). There is a great need for an oasis. Spiritually
an oasis is wherever God is. It is a place where one can find the GRACE, GOODNESS,
GLORY and GREATNESS of God. It is the place where one can find FELLOWSHIP and
FRIENDSHIP with God. Your heart can be and needs to be an oasis.
Your home can be and needs to be an oasis. A nation
(such as Israel) which honors the Lord can be an oasis.


Cain’s civilization continued until the flood. The wickedness of man was
great and his thoughts were evil continually (all the time—morning,
noon and night). This godless world was judged. After the flood the sin of man
expressed itself again at Babel. Once more a city and civilization was built
without God and once again God brought swift judgment and scattered them (Genesis
chapter 11).

From Shem’s line God found Abraham (Abram) and called him out (Gen. 12:1).
Abraham had to GET OUT of the land of idolatry. God would bless Abraham and
God would even bless the whole world because of Abraham. God is looking for
a believing heart that is in fellowship and friendship with Him. Notice what
God said of Abraham in Genesis 18:18-19: «for I know that he will COMMAND
his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the
LORD.» God knew that Abraham would have HOUSE RULES (COMMANDS) and that
he would ENFORCE them. He would have a family and he would COMMAND them. His
responsibility was to RULE UNDER HIS OWN ROOF, and he did just this. Because
Abraham honored God in his home God blessed Abraham and his seed (Gen. 18:19).
It was his home and he was going to see to it that those under his roof at least
honored God even if not saved. It was God’s place. It was the place of
fellowship and friendship. It was a special place where the true and living
God was made known. It was an OASIS.

  Bellaco Significado Puerto Rico [ 2023 ]


Out of Abraham God raised up a special nation. Israel was called out of Egypt
to honor and worship God. But there were godless people in the land of promise
who because of idolatry and sin were under the judgment of God. Such people
had to be DRIVEN OUT (Num. 33:51-54). The land of promise was meant to be an
OASIS, a place of fellowship and friendship with God. «But if ye will not
drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then those which ye let
remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides and shall
vex you in the land» (Num. 33:55). «Pricks in your eyes»—something
sharp in your eye that really bothers you; «thorns in your sides»—every
time you move you get pierced. The land of Israel was to be an oasis but the
children of Israel needed to keep it that way or else they would be plagued
by their own failure to fix the problems. The home of the believer is to be
an oasis and it must be kept that way. Things need to be fixed. There must be
HOUSE RULES that honor God. The house rules must be ENFORCED. Failure to do
so will bring only vexation and more and more problems. God walked in the midst
of Israel (Deut. 23:14 and compare Gen. 3:8) and God demanded that His territory
be holy. Wherever God is, that place is HOLY GROUND. Where God is, wrong must
be dealt with by confession, correction, chastisement, etc. Is God in your home?
Is God honored in your home? Do those under your roof honor the Lord on the
Lord’s Day?

Note carefully Deuteronomy 31:11-12. All Israel was to come to hear God’s
law. Those living in the land of Israel were all to come to the place of worship.
Men, women and CHILDREN and even foreigners who were in the area were all to
come. All those who are in the territory must honor the God whose territory
it is and they must get to know His rules. If a person visits a foreign country,
he had better know the rules of that country. Even the stranger or foreigner
was told to gather with the Israelites. This person was an adult (could be 22
years old, 82 years old, 100 years old) living in Israel’s territory. God
demanded that this person be present at Israel’s gathering, to listen to
God’s Word. Why? Because God is in this land and everyone needs to know
God’s house rules and everyone in the land needs to honor them. Strangers
came into Israel from other parts of the world, but Israel did not change the
rules because these strangers had come there to live. If the stranger had come
to live in Israel’s territory then he had to adjust to Israel’s house
rules. He had to honor Israel’s ways and rules and laws, and the necessity
of abiding by God’s rules had nothing to do with his age.

Sometimes we are told that when a person comes «of age» that he no
longer needs to abide by the rules. When he is a young child he must attend
church services and follow the rules, but when the time comes that he reaches
a certain age, he is then old enough to make up his own mind about whether to
attend church or not. He is old enough to drive a car, he is old enough to vote,
he is old enough to have a full time job, he is old enough to fight for his
country, so certainly he is old enough to decide for himself whether he wants
to gather with the local assembly of believers. But such reasoning is defective.
Being «of age» does not make a person exempt from the HOUSE RULES
where one stays, and in the home of the believer these rules would include honoring
the Lord at the regular services of the assembly. Being of age does give the
person the option of LEAVING the house if he is unwilling or refuses to follow
the house rules. IF HE REFUSES TO HONOR GOD (where God and His Word are honored)
the rules but he has every right to abandon the place where the rules are enforced,
but at the same time he forfeits the benefits and blessings that come with being
in a God-blessed place. But even here we must remember that it is not at the
oasis but often in the dry desert that people learn of their need for the Lord
Jesus Christ. It is very difficult for the parents, but sometimes having the
son or daughter leave the home is something that God can use in eventually bringing
the young person home to Himself. It is painful to have to bid farewell to a
young person who is going in the wrong direction. Tough love is never easy.
We wish such young people could learn the easy way, but often they, like us,
must learn the hard way.

The nation Israel was told that they must COMMAND their children (Deut. 32:46).
Parents have every right to COMMAND their children. In fact, it is more than
a right, it is their DUTY. «For it is not a vain thing for you; because
IT IS YOUR LIFE (a relationship to God which involves fellowship and friendship)»
(Deut. 32:47). «Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
Honor thy father and mother…that it may be well with thee» (Eph. 6:1-3).

God is present everywhere (omnipresent). He is right there to reach everyone
in the world (see Acts 17:27). His Word is near and accessible (see Rom. 10:8).
God is present everywhere but the personal exercise of God is something else.
God has a special way of making Himself known. He did this with the nation of
Israel. He demanded their attention because He was among them. God separated
them from other people (Lev. 20:24-25). Why? That they might be HIS in a special
way for FELLOWSHIP and for FRIENDSHIP (Lev. 20:26), that they might realize
the power, presence and purpose of God. It was a marvelous relationship!


In 2 Chronicles 33 we learn about King Manasseh the supreme corrupter of Israel.
He ruled 55 long years. It was a wretched reign but the people loved it so.
This man brought in every idol imaginable (verses 3-6). But In 2 Chronicles
34 we learn of his grandson Josiah. What a contrast! He went from idol to idol
destroying them all! He determined that his kingdom would honor God and the
nation was blessed by God because of this. We should note that the king was
the leader of the nation and he was the man who was responsible before God.
He was responsible to have a right heart before the KING OF KINGS, honoring
the KING’S rules and enforcing them. Application: When God is not
honored in the home the parents are at fault. Do not blame the children. The
parents should have the control and they are responsible before God .


Zechariah chapter 14 describes millennial conditions. The Lord Jesus Christ
will rule the entire earth. In that day those under His rule must obey the kingdom
laws! All must obey His KINGDOM RULES. This does not mean that everyone will
be saved. He will still have enemies, but they will submit to the king and yield
to Him with feigned obedience (Psalm 66:3). The King will not: say, «Since
you are unsaved I do not expect you to abide by My laws.» No, everyone
in the King’s territory (the whole earth) must abide by His rules.

A specific example of this is given in Zechariah 14:16. All must come to Jerusalem
to keep the feast of tabernacles. Those who fail to do this will be judged either
by no rain or by the plague. The rules are right and the rules are strictly
enforced. If you don’t come, you are in trouble. Those in the King’s
territory must obey the King’s rules.

Application: Those under the roof must come and obey the HOUSE RULES,
and what kind of a believer’s house is it that does not have church attendance
as a rule? Any family that honors God is a family that honors the Lord’s
Day and does not forsake the assembling of the saints (Hebrews 10:25). The parents
that do not require attendance at the regular services of the assembly on the
part of the children are saying this: «It is important for us but we do
not consider it important for you. We will do our thing and you can do your
thing. Knowing Christ as one’s Saviour and Lord and being thus in His Body
is not all-important to us. In our home you can decide whether or not you go
to church. We will not demand this of you. You are old enough to make up your
own mind. We hope you will decide to go, but if not, that’s alright.»
God forbid that we should think this way. What message would this be giving
to the younger children in the home? What message would this be giving to the
neighbors who would notice if not everyone goes to church on Sunday? What message
would this be giving to other families in the local assembly and to other young
people who are looking for an excuse to avoid dealing with God?

Our message to our young people needs to be strong and clear. They need to
know that in this home there is nothing that is more important than honoring
God. This is not an option but it is a requirement for everyone in the house.
As parents we need to represent and point clearly to the living God. Our message
to the young people is this: «If you leave Jesus Christ out of your life
you are damned and doomed!» This is the truth, and we must speak the truth
and we must speak the truth in love. Are we really concerned for our children?
There is something that they need far more than a roof over their head, a bed
to sleep on and food to eat. What they really need is the salvation of their
soul, and only God can bring this about and God is not pleased when we COMPROMISE
IN THE HOME. We must NOT compromise THE HOLY STANDARDS OF GOD. Are you letting
GOD BE GOD in your home?

  Significado De Eclectico [ 2023 ]

Let us be a good example for others so that they might get the right message
concerning what God’s Word teaches. Keep in mind that we would not want
our fellow believers setting the wrong example for our family and those before
whom we live. When we fail to set the right example this causes difficulties.
We would not want to explain our wrong thinking and thus our wrong practice
to others who are trying to do right. It is much easier to enlist others to
approve our practice who are moving and thinking wrongly as we are. It is much
harder to explain and to ENFORCE RIGHT ACTION when and as we are doing wrong.
We would not want (or would we?) the local church to do as we do or think as
we think, etc. How safe would we really be with God? How close would such thinking
get us to God? How many would be really convicted of their sin and be saved?
How much would they honor God’s Word?


Parents are responsible for godly parental modeling. The prerequisite to such
is personal devotion, loyally and love to God (Deut. 6:5 and the following verses).
The home is to be parent centered not child centered. The home does not revolve
around the children, their desires and activities, etc. It is to revolve around
God and His Word and finds its expression in the marriage relationship which
lasts one’s lifetime. The children usually, normally grow up and
leave at some point.

Parents ought to lay the ground work and ground rules before the teenagers
become teenagers. They should be taught the HOUSE RULES while they are very

The church ought to be pointing parents to keep on growing and knowing, to
be stronger as persons and in their marriages for Christ’s sake. Parents,
persons ought to be able to handle and hold guidelines for their own hearts,
their own homes.

Many of our problems are of our own making. They are caused by our own neglect
and failure to be responsible. Sometimes a problem can go away but it is not
because the problem was resolved in the right way. The battle was not fought
and the victory was not won
. The parents did not do what was right at all.
Instead by the sheer passing of time events and circumstances changed and the
problem was gone. What message or testimony do we then have? How shall we help
and give hope to others to rightly advance?

For example, a 22 year old son runs into some problems and needs a place to
stay. The parents are concerned and want to help and open their home. The son
has no interest whatsoever in attending services at the local assembly and the
parents do not require this at all. Reasonable and right HOUSE RULES are not
made, or they are not enforced. The parents allow this situation to continue
and nothing is fixed. Time passes. Finally after several months the son finds
a «better» place to live and moves in with friends. The problem has
gone away. The son is no longer there. But the problem was never resolved and
there was no victory. Circumstances just happened to change. It is like the
man who commits adultery again and again with another woman. One day the woman
dies and obviously he does not commit adultery with her any more. He never fixed
the problem. Circumstances changed things but nothing was ever rightly fixed.
One’s heart has not increased in its knowledge of God. It is only a matter
of time until the problem shows up again in one way or another.

So it is with the parents in our example. They gained no victory and they have
no testimony to give. It is only a matter of time and the problem will show
up in one way or another. The problem is still there even though it is not expressing
itself outwardly at the present time. There is no oasis in such a home. There
is no clear message to saints or sinners.

We exert an influence in our home in many areas. We exert an influence over
the flowers in our home. We exert an influence over the pets in our home. We
exert an influence over the automobile in our garage and we demand that it be
maintained in a certain way, etc. Why don’t we exert an influence over
our children in a right and healthy way?

Do not the unsaved nations, parents, employers, schools, colleges etc, show
concern and exercise their authority over certain acts and actions which reflect
back on them in a way that they consider hurtful, harmful, etc.? In fact, they
will not allow or tolerate such without some action being taken to correct the

Schools set standards and rules and can enforce them: «The federal courts
have held that schools can regulate grooming if they can demonstrate that neatness
furthers a reasonable educational purpose. Other federal courts have said that
schools are free to regulate hairstyles and attire without giving any justification»
(Everyday Law, Sept. 1988, p.19).

Parents set standards high or low or whatever, but do not normally encourage
wrong doing, rape, robbery, etc. But more often than not we fail to teach and
we fail to enforce good standards, especially in the light of God’s Word.
We tolerate and allow something less than the best in our homes. The standard
has been lowered.

Young people that are on and into drugs, etc. in the home have a haven that
harbors and helps their cause. The association is made by the public that such
parents are in agreement with what their young people or older people are doing.
Brethren, these things ought not to be so!

The believer’s heart, home and local church ought to be set apart
places under the governing guidelines of God’s Word. God’s HOLY PERSON
and PRESENCE makes for HOLY places, persons, things (Exodus 3:1-5; Zech. 14:20-21;
etc.). GOD’S NAME is on the line in your heart, home and
if you are a believer indeed.


Children are commanded to HONOR: their parents (Exodus 20:12; and compare Eph.
6:1-3). The word «honor» means «regard, treat as being worthy
of honor.» It is the opposite of making light of someone, considering someone
of little importance, or despising someone. Parents are intended by God to be
the BRIDGE between children and God. It is through the parents that children
have an opportunity to gain a concept of God and make contact with God. Parents
are given delegated authority to govern and to guide the children. God has given
this responsibility to the parents. Never forget that your children are NOT
YOUR OWN. You do not own your children. The relationship that you have to your
children is temporary, not eternal. In all areas the parents need to be pointing
CLEARLY and CONSISTENTLY to God (cf. Deut. 6:4-9, 20-25).

Do NOT seek to be the base, ground or foundation for your children. You CANNOT
be the foundation upon which they rest. You are NOT the basis of their existence…GOD
IS! If you are trying to hold them, your hands will weaken and falter.
Deposit them in God’s hands (please refer to the tapes of Pastor Parsons’
Prayer Meeting messages on 8/24/88 and 8/31/88 and 9/7/88 based on 2 Timothy
1:12; these messages are available upon request from the tape ministry). Don’t
hang on to your children in the wrong way. Your children are not and must not
be the basis of a meaningful existence for you. What happens if they are taken
away in death? Does life’s meaning and the basis for your existence end?
In Philippians 1:21 it does NOT say, «For to me to live is MY CHILDREN.»
Let us not give our children the place that only Christ should have and must
have. Also it is not what you want for their life but what God
wants that really counts.

In the home the children must learn to honor the parents because this is how
they learn to honor God. The parents must honor God. As Charles Bridges has
said, the parent «cannot convey grace to his children (he cannot save their
souls), but at least he can ENFORCE RESTRAINT, and acquit himself of the guilt
of ‘honoring his sons before God’» (The Christian Ministry,
p. 166).


«If any man come to Me and HATE NOT his father, and mother, and wife and
CHILDREN, and brethren and sisters, yea and his own life also, HE CANNOT BE
MY DISCIPLE» (Luke 14:26). Joshua had said, «You cannot serve the
Lord» (Joshua 24:19). The Lord Jesus said, «You cannot be My disciple»
(Luke 14:26). The Lord Jesus must be at the very center of our lives. Our LOVE
for Him must be so great that our love for anything else or anyone else is as
HATRED in comparison. God must be at the CENTER. He must not be as a spoke of
the wheel but the very hub of the wheel. You cannot have your wife, husband,
children or SELF at the center. No one else and nothing else must take HIS place.
Jesus Christ cannot be replaced by anyone or anything. «For to me to live
is ___________ (Phil. 1:21—and don’t replace Him with anyone or anything
else). The believer must live in such a way by actions and speech that he is
ever pointing to God who is the center. The claims of all others must yield
their place to God’s claims. God has first claim upon me. Everything
else and everyone else must YIELD to God.

  Plot Twist Significado [ 2023 ]

«It is required of a steward that a man be found FAITHFUL» (1 Cor.
4:2). Believing parents have a stewardship from God and God requires faithfulness.
Faithful parents must see to it that their children are likewise faithful (see
Titus 1:6 where «believing» can be translated «faithful»).
You can count on these children staying in line, not being unruly, being in
church, being ruled well (1 Tim. 3:4-5), etc.

How important is the local assembly of believers? The parent communicates the
importance or non-importance of the assembly to the children is many ways. Nothing
is more important than being a believer and being part of the Body of Christ
and enjoying the LIFE I have in Christ here and now for the glory of God. The
supreme importance of this shows up weekly and is picked up by those around
me for good or for bad. One’s struggles and strife concerning the church
are increased by one’s failure to be having a right attitude and approach
towards God and His Church. The very way we dress for worship says something.
Whether or not we are constantly looking at our watch toward the end of the
service says something. Do we really see the greatness of the assembly as God
sees it (see 1 Timothy 3:15)?


When both parents are professing believers it is reasonable and right to expect
God’s Word to be operational in such a home. Each one needs to be letting
God’s Word instruct and direct their actions. On a given issue or item
they can find a united heart to be able to speak and to stand TOGETHER—both
parents in AGREEMENT, saying YES or saying NO as needed in light of God’s

When one of the parents is not trusting Christ this can make
for problems and for division—with one parent saying YES and the other
parent saying NO on a given issue.

The parent who is trusting Christ must do what is right. The other parent really
knows you are right even when he or she is wrong. Let the person who is not
with it catch up and see the need for right thinking, right decisions, right
action, etc. The failure of one need not be the failure of the other. The real
problem too often is on the part of the believing parent. We are to follow God’s
Word, not the highs and lows or our own soul or of those around us. We are of
no real help if we submit to their ups and downs, and if we make their thinking
and acting our standard in place of God’s Word.

The presence of a true believer in the home makes a big difference (see 1 Cor.
7:14). The unbelieving spouse is set apart in a special way because of the presence
of a believer who is rightly connected to Jesus Christ. When Christ is at home
in a believer’s heart the entire household benefits. Even the children
are «holy» or SET APART, under the influence of God in a very special
way. They have the benefit and privilege of being raised in God’s kind
of a place, even if only one parent is a solid believer. In Israel every stranger
in the land was brought under the blessing and privilege of God because of their
association with God’s people. Today every unsaved person in the home is
brought under the blessing and privilege of God because of their close association
with a true child of God.

«If the unbelieving depart, LET HIM DEPART» (I Cor. 7:15). The unbelieving
partner may say, «I don’t want to live with this believer any longer.
Our way of life and style of life are completely different and I want to get
out of this marriage.» He or she has this option. The believer cannot stop
being a believer and cannot stop honoring the Lord, but the unbeliever can decide
to leave the home. The same would apply to children when they are old enough.
If they do not wish to remain in a godly environment, if they do not like the
house rules, if they have no interest in attending the assembly, etc., then
THEY MAY DEPART. We must not change the rules to accommodate them. We must not
compromise our God-honoring standards. By God’s grace we must hold the

Of course this does not apply to younger children. If a seven year old says,
«I don’t like going to church and I refuse to go any more!»,
then what should the parents do? First of all, it is the parents that make the
rules not the children. Too many homes today are run by the children who always
get their way for their own harm and for their parents’ shame. Secondly,
their likes or dislikes are not the issue. Young children may not like school
or they may not like to visit the doctor, but we make them go because we know
what is best for them. We don’t give them an option. We want God’s
highest and best for them whether they like it or not.


The Christian home is to be an oasis—a special place where the grace,
goodness, glory and greatness of God is found. The Christian home must not be
a haven or a hideout for a young person who is living a life-style contrary
to the moral principles of God’s Word. The home is not to be a sanctuary
where we sanction drugs, drinking, sexual immorality or any other kind of foul
practice. The home which is to honor God must not be a shelter or haven for
practices or life-styles which greatly dishonor God. When a young person wishes
to live at home it must be on the parents’ terms, not on the young person’s
terms. We must not allow them to destroy the oasis and the testimony of the

When a young person has been away from home and then wants to come back and
live in the home once again, this is the ideal time for the parents to very
clearly and forcefully explain what the terms will be. Don’t hastily let
them come in without first carefully and thoroughly explaining the rules and
regulations and what is expected and required, including such things as local
church attendance. The young person’s choice to move back into the home
also involves that person’s knowledgeable choice to agree to and abide
by all the rules of that God-honoring home. It is a cheap price to pay for all
the benefits of the home—physical, mental, spiritual, etc.


The lines, limits which are made by governments, employers, sports teams, school
boards, parents, etc, vary and are different depending on many factors. One’s
mental approach to morals and mores guides what is acceptable and what is not
acceptable, tolerated and not tolerated.

Societies have mores and standards that differ. What is acceptable in IRAN
or in RUSSIA etc, is not acceptable here in the USA. What is acceptable here
is not always acceptable elsewhere.

People change for the better or for the worse and thus so do the boundaries
and limits of what is allowable within their domain. Drugs, drink, sex, etc.
are wrong but time passes and they may become acceptable. Drugs, drink, sex,
etc. are wrong for the five year old but okay for the 15 year old. Drugs, drink,
sex, etc. are wrong for you but okay for me. Everyone does what is right in
their own eyes.

When one goes to a new society he must adjust to the new lines, limits, standards
in order to reasonably survive, succeed. How much more when a person gets saved
and is placed into the KINGDOM OF GOD, becomes a CITIZEN OF HEAVEN an AMBASSADOR
FOR CHRIST—a NEW CREATURE. There are now new standards, lines and limits
based on God’s infallible Word. «For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision
availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature» (Gal. 6:15).
The need is to renew the NEW YOU, even by allowing the Lord Jesus Christ to
be Resident and President in one’s heart and in one’s home.


Not only the elder but every believing father must rule his own house well
(1 Tim. 3:4-5). He must rule and govern and preside and be responsible. He must
take care of his own heart and take care of his own house. If he fails to rule
his own house well then he is disqualified from any kind of leadership in the
assembly, because if he cannot take care of his own family how can he be an
example and a help to all the other families in the assembly (1 Tim. 3:5)? How
can he tell others to fix their problems in the right way if he is not fixing
his own problems?

Your job is not to save the home. God must do the saving. Your job is to guard
the territory and maintain the place where God can exercise Himself to bless,
to benefit, to be gracious and merciful. Your job is to make sure the home stays
an OASIS. You cannot convert the children. That is God’s job. Your job
is to so honor the Lord and to be so delighted and excited about Christ that
all who are under your influence will know that «God is in this place.»
Are you willing to fix that which is wrong in your heart so that you might have
God’s blessing and benefit? Your heart needs to be an oasis! Are
you willing to fix that which is wrong in your home that you might have God’s
blessing and benefit? Your home needs to be an oasis!

Let God be loving to and through your believing heart. Don’t be a coward,
don’t compromise. Don’t be afraid to take God’s side of every
issue. Go after God’s will for yourself and for others. This starts with
the understanding that God has the authority, the right and the might to rule
as THE CREATOR and THE SAVIOUR of the world. Don’t be apologizing for God.
Don’t be making excuses for others. Don’t be encouraging their excuses.

Let us make sure that we are staying spiritually right, straight, healthy,
strong. Let us be letting the ages and the stages and the rages, etc. be pressing
us onward and upward into God’s all-powerful, all peaceful Person. (Phil.
4:6, 7, 13)

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