![Acero Significado Espiritual [ Y Simbolismo ] Acero Significado Espiritual [ Y Simbolismo ]](https://es.ame-jumelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/563_hq720.webp)
El acero es una palabra que evoca fuerza y resistencia. Pero, más allá de sus propiedades físicas, el acero también tiene un significado espiritual profundo. Representa el poder de la voluntad humana, la determinación de resistir las dificultades y el coraje para afrontar los desafíos de la vida. Es un símbolo de la resiliencia y de la perseverancia, y una inspiración para aquellos que buscan alcanzar sus metas.
Joyas simbólicas de oro y plata
Por el artista: David Weiztman y
Cómo te pueden afectar tus joyas
Yesterday you felt energized, today you feel calm and contemplative. You may never have thought to link it to a bracelet, ring, necklace or pair of earrings, but it could very well be the effect of your jewelry that you are noticing. In ancient times transformational gems and metals were placed inside the Turban, and later the Crown to enhance Spiritual Wisdom, Knowledge and Power. Let’s take a look at the mystical properties of various metals and gems…
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: rubí
Ruby stimulates the flow of life-force energy or chi through the body, strengthens the ability to meet needs and manifest desires, and can be a catalyst for the activation of the Kundalini energy. It is particularly good at attracting prosperity. Rubies eliminate feelings of hopelessness or defeat from our thoughts, and open the wellspring of optimism and determination needed to accomplish difficult goals. Ruby is a stone of courage. It assuages doubt and assists in dealing with anxiety. It helps one become comfortable with the unknown and overcome the fear of death.
Propiedades espirituales de las Gemas: Turquesa
Turquoise is considered to be a healer of the spirit, provider of calm and peace of mind. It induces wisdom and understanding. It is thought to combine the energies of the sky and earth, and considered Earth-grounding. It is believed that it provides strength and protection during vision quests. It stimulates the Throat, Heart, and Navel Chakras. Turquoise is used in the treatment of headaches, regeneration of tissue, and relief to skin disorders related to stress.
Propiedades espirituales de las Gemas: Sugilita
La sugilita es una de las principales piedras de esta era, debido a sus numerosas propiedades beneficiosas. Entre ellos se encuentran la protección de las influencias negativas en el medio ambiente, el despertar del «Tercer Ojo» y los Chakras de la Corona y fuertes influencias para la curación. La sugilita puede ser particularmente beneficiosa para aquellos en un camino espiritual, ya que puede ayudar a «quemar» el karma, eliminando los apegos negativos y las influencias kármicas. Este proceso puede acelerar el desarrollo interior y ayudarnos a ser un faro espiritual en el mundo. Nos ayuda a creer en las posibilidades de la vida y ofrece esperanza y optimismo para un futuro mejor.
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: zafiro amarillo
Sapphire (yellow) has long been recognized as a stone of prosperity. Those who embrace the metaphysical, often use Yellow Sapphire not only to assist in bringing financial abundance, but also to manifest any vision one wishes to realize. Yellow Sapphire stimulates the 2nd and 3rd Chakras from the bottom, allowing one to put one’s creative energy to use through action. It assists one in formulating plans and following them to completion. It also will assist to develop and align our personal will with Divine will..
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: Rainbow Moonstone
Rainbow Moonstone emanates great vitality, life force and exuberant joy. It offers the gifts of inner peace and harmony, emotional balance and strength, purification and the transformation of negativity, as well as psychic protection. Rainbow Moonstone facilitates the alignment and activation of all of the Chakras, while helping to maintain a centered and grounded presence. They are recommended for anyone who encounters daily stress or who carries old emotional wounds or grief. They aid in kindling the Inner Light of the Heart and Soul.
Propiedades espirituales de las Gemas: Peridoto
Peridot may help one in the understanding of life’s changes as they occur, and in recognition of the harmful patterns detrimental to growth. It can be used to cleanse and stimulate the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras, encouraging openness and acceptance with regard to relationships. Considered an excellent healing stone, Peridot helps regulate one’s life cycles: physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual. Peridot protects against nervousness and aids in healing hurt feelings. Peridot is also thought to protect lungs, sinuses, and wrists from illness and injury.
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: ópalo
El ópalo es útil para las glándulas pineal y pituitaria, y ayuda en la conexión consciente con los reinos superiores. Fortalece la memoria y puede infundir fidelidad y lealtad con respecto al amor, las afiliaciones personales y las relaciones comerciales. Black Opal se considera una piedra extremadamente afortunada. En la antigüedad, el ópalo se aceptaba como símbolo de fidelidad y confianza. Tiene reputadas propiedades curativas, especialmente para aumentar las capacidades mentales como la imaginación creativa. White Opal equilibra los hemisferios cerebrales izquierdo y derecho para los trastornos neurológicos y estimula los glóbulos blancos.
Propiedades espirituales de las Gemas: Jade
Jade is prized for its healing and protective qualities. It harmonizes and balances the heart, aiding in both emotional and physical well-being. It helps strengthen and soothe our nervous system. It assists in learning to enjoy physical life. Jade is good for attracting abundance and prosperity and for broadcasting peace and loving kindness to all in our surroundings. It helps us to receive Divine abundance on all levels and to share that abundance with others in affirmations of plenty.
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: ágata de fuego
Fire Agate assists in taking decisive action in unclear circumstances. It allows us to manifest Divine guidance through action and can help in all aspects of manifestation work. Fire Agate opens the channels of creativity, so that Divine inspiration can flow into all activities and artistic expressions. It helps us find the courage to take risks in order to fulfill the inner promptings which call us more fully into passionate involvement with life. It is a ‘stone of eternal youth’ bringing a new sense of vitality to our overall health.
Propiedades espirituales de las Gemas: Esmeralda
Emerald is the stone which most purely represents the energy patterns of the activated Heart Chakra. An open heart allows the cornucopia of universal blessings to flow into our life and perhaps why Emerald is known as a stone of prosperity. Wearing Emerald aids the vibrational pattern to the spectrum of abundance, allowing us to attract our needs and desires. It supports shifting scarcity consciousness to prosperity consciousness. It is also a stone of courage. Emerald is a wonderful emotional healer allowing us to display compassion and a caring nature without fear of vulnerability.
Propiedades espirituales de las Gemas: Esmeralda
Emerald has refreshing soft green color, which has amazing healing powers for eyes, and it is a good talisman for any eye trouble. If worn about the neck or finger, emerald prevents convulsions in children. Emeralds are also an antidote for poisons and poisonous wounds. It aids with ailments of the spine. Emeralds help fighting all mental illness and neurological disorders. It is said to drive away evil spirits, and to preserve the chastity of the wearer. It is also said to bring wisdom.
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: Diamante
Long held in the treasuries of kings and queens, diamonds were believed to offer access to the Divine energies. This is one reason why Diamonds have been set in crowns. Putting such a stone near the brain, particularly at the forehead, can enhance your inner vision and intuitive connection with the higher Spirit realms. Worn in everyday life, Diamonds can intensify the ability to focus consciousness on manifesting one’s goals, dreams and destiny. They seem to emanate more energy for their size than any other stone.
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: Diamante
Los diamantes fomentan la fe, la pureza, la vida, la alegría, la inocencia y el arrepentimiento. Ayudan a desarrollar la concentración y a ser directos y honestos. Algunos creen que el diamante pierde su brillo con la salud del usuario, recuperándolo solo cuando el propietario se recupera. Diamond es una gran ayuda para todas las enfermedades del cerebro. Es beneficioso en el área del estómago. Los diamantes fortalecen la memoria del propietario y, a menudo, llevan las energías de los seres angélicos que están alineados con el coraje y la luz.
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: Cornalina
Carnelian is usually smooth and often translucent, a durable stone and a dependable lifetime gem. Known to have electro-magnetic properties to help ground the wearer, feeding energy directly through the skin, instilling a feeling of well-being and inflowing power. It assists us to take action to manifest our highest goals, dreams and destiny. In communication it helps timid speakers become both eloquent and bold. A symbol of the warm vitalizing and positive energy of the earth, when used in meditation it can help us understand how to bring a concept into being.
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: topacio azul
Blue Topaz enhances one’s mental processing and speaking skills, as well as improving our attention span and ability to concentrate on mental tasks. It has a calming, soothing effect on our emotions. Blue Topaz helps to integrate lessons and gain knowledge from our experiences. It can assist those who wish to attune to inner guidance, as well as those who hope to serve others through readings or spiritual healing work
Propiedades espirituales de las gemas: Amatista
Amethyst is a powerful stone for spiritual protection, expansion and purification. It is an aid to meditation and can help to still our thoughts. It can help curb overindulgence and assist one to give up unhealthy habits. It balances the nervous system and the brain. Amethyst builds a cocoon of light around our aura or presence, creating a powerful resonant field that helps us remain clear and centered in the midst of negativity, while staying open to spiritual direction and intuitive information.
Propiedades espirituales de las Gemas: Aguamarina
Aquamarine is good for all types of calming and cooling, from hot flashes to anger and hysteria. It also assists in activating the Throat Chakra (one of seven energy centers of the body), assisting us in the clear communication of our highest truth. For women, Aquamarine enhances courage and clarity to express inner knowing, while enhancing intuition. For men, Aquamarine helps dispel emotional numbness and the difficulty men sometimes experience in communicating their feelings. It is a stone of empowerment and is excellent for teachers and presenters.